Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Jennifer Lynn ~ 3rd guest post ~ Being Here

TITLE: Being Here
RELEASE DATE: February 10, 2017
AUTHOR: Jennifer Lynn
ISBN: 978-0692837030
IMPRINT: Craig Na Dun

KEYWORDS: Mysticism, Celtic, Shamanism, Druidism, Goddess, Spirituality, Soul Midwife

CATEGORIES: Pagan Fiction/Mystical Fiction/Urban Fantasy/Fantasy

Glimpse the world through the eyes of a modern-day shaman. Bree MacLeod and her story, Being Here, are waiting for you.

Have you ever wondered if life is more than a series of random events? Or if invisible threads might weave together seemingly unrelated moments? Bree MacLeod – wise woman, shaman and Daughter of the goddess Bríghid – knows the Truth.

When her aunt and foster-mother falls into a coma of unknown origin, Bree is pulled back to Seattle, the city of her childhood. As the family Bean feasa, Bree must work with her Otherworldly Allies to reach Emily and convince her soul to choose – to make Transition or to return to life on This Side of the Veil. But, being back in Seattle puts her within reach of her uncle, the man from whom Bree fled for her life years ago. Can Bree and her Allies find the way?


The Interview
Excerpt Being Here promotional piece.
by Jennifer Lynn
Bree MacLeod watched sea-green eyes dart side to side as the woman seated opposite her fidgeted. She had chosen Café de Lys for their first meeting, hoping the cozy ambiance of the very public place might put the woman at ease. But, as the woman glanced toward the door for the second time, Bree wondered.

“Lucy, would you rather leave?”

Shaking fingers pulled roughly at a sugar packet. Missing the woman’s cup of coffee completely, the tiny crystals spilled across the table. “Sorry,” the woman muttered, sweeping the mess from the table with her napkin.

Bree leaned forward and reached across the table. Before she could make contact, Lucy’s hands disappeared under the table as a frisson of unease trembled through Bree.

What was that? She debated, her gaze drifting along the edge of the woman’s energy field. Was it fear? Panic? Loathing? Bree could not be certain. But she knew the woman did not want to be here. She exhaled slowly, letting Love seep gently and consciously outward.

“It’s all right if you would prefer to leave.”

“No.” Lucy shook her head. To Bree’s inner vision, the blonde curls seemed to quiver and cower closer to the woman’s skull. Reaching for a new packet of sugar, the woman hesitated. “It’s just… Karen, my sister…” Lucy sighed, her shoulders drooping.

Bree nodded as Lucy emptied the sugar packet into her cup. Karen, a regular client, had mentioned the referral.

“She tried to explain it to me.” Lucy stirred her coffee, eyes firmly cast toward the table. The silver spoon banged on the sides of the cup and pounded through Bree like a heartbeat. “But, I couldn’t… I didn’t…”

Lucy tapped the spoon on the edge of her cup and Bree’s vision blurred. Light streaked across her inner awareness then pooled to reveal the image of a much younger Lucy. Blonde hair disheveled and tiny arms clutching a well-worn Raggedy-Ann doll, the girl shrank from some unseen source of terror.

“I’m scared. I’m scared. I’m scared,” the girl whispered before disappearing into darkness.

Bree shivered and exhaled as the over-stuffed sofas and wooden tables of the Café de Lys drifted back into view.

“It’s okay, Lucy.” Bree saw the sea-green eyes flash in her direction. Love, Love, Love, her heart sang. Keeping her hands visible and safely wrapped around her cup, she pitched her voice low and soothing. “How can I help?”

The woman studied Bree’s face, shifting her focus and avoiding direct contact. Then she set down her spoon and sighed noisily. “Can you tell me, what exactly is it you do?”

A fresh breeze blew through Bree’s awareness. “I am a Bean feasa, a shaman, a soul midwife. I facilitate healing to help your body, mind and soul communicate so they can work together harmoniously again.”

Lucy stared, then blinked.

“Are you familiar with shamanism?”

The emptiness of the woman’s gaze prepared Bree for the answer.

“Not really.”

Bree swallowed a sip of coffee from her cup and nodded. “Shamanism is an earth-based spirituality. As old as humankind and as diverse, shamanic traditions view life as consisting of This World – the world of the physical, what we can see, taste and touch – and of the Otherworld – the world of the unseen, of the soul. Two halves of one whole, This World and the Otherworld need each other. They flow one into the other and determine what is possible in one and the other.”

She paused and took another sip of coffee, focusing her gaze on the woman opposite her. Careful now, she cautioned herself. Go gently. She waited to see Lucy nod slowly before continuing.

“To affect any kind of change, you need to shift something. Sometimes you can cause the desired change by altering something here in This World. Other times, no matter how many things you replace, reconfigure or vary on This Side, the pattern remains the same. In those situations, the shift must be made in the Otherworld, on the soul side of the relationship. That’s where I can help.”

Bree paused and sipped her coffee. The sea-green eyes had watched her closely as she offered her explanation, but now they gazed through slits, hidden and hooded. Unwilling to push, Bree waited for Lucy to continue the conversation.

“How, exactly?”

“My training in shamanic journey techniques allows me to shift my consciousness and walk in the Otherworld. I carry your question, your concern to the Wisdom Keepers on the Otherside so healing can flow. In essence, I function as an interpreter. I speak both your language and Their language, and through me the two of you communicate.”

Lucy sat back in her chair, her gaze fixed on Bree. “You make it sound so… easy.”

Sometimes it is, Bree thought with a smile.

She saw a shadow dim the woman’s energy field. As a frown creased Lucy’s face, the voice of adult Lucy echoed through Bree. “I’m so tired of being afraid.”

The woman leaned forward in her seat, elbows pressed against the table. “Why do you…” Lucy scowled. “What led you to this practice?”

Tracing her index finger along the handle of her coffee cup, Bree considered the woman. How do I best answer her?

“The Truth,” the voice of her Salmon Ally whispered from the Otherworld. “Tell her the Truth.”

Bree nodded in quiet reply. “It is who I am.”

Jennifer Lynn is a soul midwife, a modern-day mystic and a shamanic practitioner specializing in Celtic mystical techniques and practices. During twenty-plus years of training and experience, she has studied extensively with Tom Cowan, Caitlín Matthews, the Invisible Druid Order, the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids, the Foundation for Shamanic Studies as well as with mystical practitioners internationally.

An award-winning, published poet, Jennifer gives voice to her Bardic craft through poetry and prose. Her writings explore the rhythms of life while honoring the Goddess and the Sacred Conversation. Dance through the moon turnings with Jennifer – read her blog at www.ThroughShamansEyes.wordpress.com.

Jennifer is also a Chinese medicine practitioner and a Minister of the Circle of the Sacred Earth, a church of animism fostering shamanic principles and practices. She currently resides in Saint Louis, Missouri, under the Fleur-de-Lys, nestled amongst the waters and the oak trees.

EMAIL: JLynn@CircleofHealingArts.net


AMAZON US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01NBVJEB8
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